Sunday, July 12, 2009

A great conference day

This morning I woke up at 6 a.m., determined to get an early, relaxed start to my day. And it worked! I got a giant cinnamon roll for breakfast from the little stand in the lobby, and walked to the Hilton for a "digital preservation interest group" meeting. It was a very nice walk early on a Sunday morning. Found the Hilton just fine... went in and asked where the meeting room was... and...

Wrong Hilton.

But do I despair? Oh no! I was 20 minutes early, so I just got a cab and went to the right Hilton, for $6. No biggie.

I met a very nice preservation librarian, and watched  a few programs; one about file formats, which basically did not teach me anything I don't already know. Even so, it was presented in an interesting way, so that was all right. There was also a presentation about the Hathitrust project, which I'd never heard of, and then a presentation about DCAPE, "Distributed Custodial Frameworks for Archival Preservation." It's a grant-funded project just getting underway, so who knows, maybe we'll hear more about it in a few years. The idea is for small institutions to be able to have a place where they can deposit their works for preservation without having to build their own preservation infrastructure, and without having to depend on a for-profit vendor, either. Sounds good if it gets off the ground.

After that I hoofed it to the Copyright Advisory Meeting of the OITP, which was good; mostly talked about advocacy and educational outreach efforts. It was interesting to see what they are working on.

After THAT, I had to find a quick lunch to eat on the way to the convention center. Finally found a Qdoba and got a burrito, which I ate while waiting and riding on the shuttle bus. Once I got there I had to go to "Mobile Devices in Libraries" for the OITP, to run the video camera. A very exciting job, haha. That went fine; I can't say I was very interested in the program, but it really wasn't my type of thing.

Finally, last program of the day, Collecting for Digital Repositories. I had seen one of the speakers before, Paul Royster from the repository at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, on a webinar. He is a terrific speaker, and it was neat to see him speak again. The other speakers were interesting as well, and after the program I met Dorothea Salo, who wrote the article "Innkeeper at the Roach Motel." It was a really great article (published in Library Trends, but I believe she said she also put it out for free online) that I remembered so that was very cool to talk to her; she was super nice.

This evening I met up with Leo and we went to the CI alumni reception; FSU had a table there and I enjoyed seeing fellow FSUers! There are quite a lot of FSU folks here; I'd noticed that throughout the conference and the table attested to it; our table had the most traffic by far. A photo was taken for the newsletter (my baby! all grown up) and I'll try to add it here too, as well as some other pics... as soon as I get them off my camera.

Overall, a very good day.

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